Šeit var redzēt pēdējos 5 laikrakstus. Izvēloties lejuplādēšanas saiti, atvērsies jauns logs. Laikrakstu tad var noglabāt (Save) vai izdrukāt. Faili ir samērā lieli, un lejuplādēšanas laiks var būt ievērojams, ja nav platjoslas interneta savienojuma.
The 5 most recent newspapers are available here. Clicking on the download link will open a new window. The newspaper may then be saved or printed. The files are large, and the download time is considerable if you do not have a broadband internet connection.
2025. g. 23. janv. | Lejuplādēt / Download Nr. 829 (7,1 MB) |
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Individual pages (Reduced quality)
Click on a thumbnail to open a larger image of the page. The quality of this will not be as good as the full newspaper PDF file, but will be good enough to understand the contents of the page. This opportunity is intended for those readers who do not have a broadband internet connection, and who do not wish to subscribe to the printed edition.